Business Rules Management (BRM) is a method designed to transform legal requirements into executable business decisions and business logic. In the last few years, the BRM capabilities have been increasingly supported by a set of software technologies, which are bundled together in a so-called BRM-systems. The aim of this study is to develop a functional requirements themes for BRM solutions. To be able to do so, our data collection and analysis consisted of the collection and analysis of secondary data. With the
collaboration of four Dutch governmental agencies, we collected 759 functional requirements with regards to BRM systems. Findings of our analysis show that several essential functional BRM themes emerge, which
should be taken into account when selecting or constructing the actual BRM systems. Future research should focus on further validation of the functional requirement themes in both the governmental context as well as the context of commercial industries.
Koen Smit
Martijn Zoet
APA Reference:
Smit, K., Zoet, M. (2017). Functional Requirements for Business Rules Management Systems. Proceedings of the 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, Boston.