This paper presents a cost/benefit analysis method for the normalization of business rules. To determine the economic benefit of business rules normalization three variables are addressed: 1) the number of anomalies a rule set endures, 2) the storage space a rule set requires and the 3) deterioration of rules in response time. The approach is evaluated by means of an experiment, based on mortgage data of an international bank. Results show that the method is useful for determining when to normalize business rule sets; the method enables business rules analysts to produce more cost-effective business rules architectures.
Martijn Zoet
Koen Smit
Eline de Haan
APA Reference:
Zoet, M., Smit, K., & de Haan, E. (2017). An economic approach to business rules normalization. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management, Nice.