
Identifying Challenges in Business Rules Management Implementations Regarding the Governance Capability at Governmental Institutions

Abstract: As the number of BRMS-implementations increases, more and more organizations search for guidance to design such solutions. Given these premises, more implementation challenges experienced from practice become evident. In this study, we identify the main challenges regarding the governance capability as part of BRM, in the Dutch governmental context. To be able to do …

Identifying Challenges in Business Rules Management Implementations Regarding the Governance Capability at Governmental Institutions Lees verder »

Het DMA-Diagram

In een eerder artikel, de data-driehoek: intelligence en data science perspectief, is ingegaan op de data-driehoek van EDM (zie figuur 1). De data-driehoek is een model dat wordt toegepast om vanuit een kerngetal, proces- en beslissingsperspectief een concreet stappenplan te creëren om vanuit descriptieve analytics naar prescriptieve analytics te komen. Om dit stappenplan te maken, …

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Het transparantie raamwerk voor beslissingen

In een eerder artikel: Transparantie van beslissingen (in het kader van de GDPR) is ingegaan op de verschillende uitgangspunten/aandachtspunten met betrekking tot de transparantie van beslissingen. In dit artikel wordt kort het transparantie raamwerk voor beslissingen gepresenteerd, dit gebeurd aan de hand van Figuur 1. Dit raamwerk en de bijbehorende Key Transprancy Indicators (KTI’s) worden …

Het transparantie raamwerk voor beslissingen Lees verder »

Identifying Challenges in BRM Implementations Regarding the Verification and Validation Capabilities at Governmental Institutions

Abstract: Since an increasing amount of business rules management solutions are utilized, organizations search for guidance to design such solutions. As the amount of BRMS-implementations increase, the amount of implementation challenges experienced in practice increase as well. Therefore, it is of importance to gain insights into these implementation challenges which can help guide future implementations …

Identifying Challenges in BRM Implementations Regarding the Verification and Validation Capabilities at Governmental Institutions Lees verder »

A Cost-Benefit Method for Business Rules Normalization

Abstract: This paper presents a cost/benefit analysis method for the normalization of business rules. To determine the economic benefit of business rules normalization three variables are addressed: 1) the number of anomalies a rule set endures, 2) the storage space a rule set requires and the 3) deterioration of rules in response time. The approach …

A Cost-Benefit Method for Business Rules Normalization Lees verder »