
Data-analyse (nader) geanalyseerd II, De Accountant: Het NBA Platform voor nieuws, achtergrond en debat.

Hoe overbruggen we de kloof tussen accountant en dataspecialist? Deel 2 van een drieluik over data-analyse. In een eerder artikel is de buitenste ring van het ‘VTA-model toegelicht’. In dit vervolgartikel worden de twee binnenste ringen besproken. Om de context te schetsen nog even kort de kern van het vorige artikel. Het VTA-model maakt het mogelijk …

Data-analyse (nader) geanalyseerd II, De Accountant: Het NBA Platform voor nieuws, achtergrond en debat. Lees verder »

Identifying Challenges in Business Rules Management Implementations regarding the Elicitation, Design, and Specification Capabilities at Dutch Governmental Institutions

This paper presents a cost/benefit analysis method for the normalization of business rules. To determine the economic benefit of business rules normalization three variables are addressed: 1) the number of anomalies a rule set endures, 2) the storage space a rule set requires and the 3) deterioration of rules in response time. The approach is …

Identifying Challenges in Business Rules Management Implementations regarding the Elicitation, Design, and Specification Capabilities at Dutch Governmental Institutions Lees verder »

Applying the Decision Model and Notation in Practice: A Method to Design and Specify Business Decisions and Business Logic

Abstract: Proper decision-making is one of the most important capabilities of an organization. Therefore, it is important to make explicit all decisions that are relevant to manage for an organization. In 2015 the Object Management Group published the Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standard that focuses on modelling business decisions and underlying business logic. DMN …

Applying the Decision Model and Notation in Practice: A Method to Design and Specify Business Decisions and Business Logic Lees verder »

Continuous Auditing: A Practical Maturity Model

Abstract: Continuous Auditing (CA) is a methodology for issuing audit reports simultaneously with, or a short period of time after, the data is entered into the information system. The possibilities and challenges of CA have been researched previously. However, limited studies focus on the practical application of CA maturity models. In this study, we bridge …

Continuous Auditing: A Practical Maturity Model Lees verder »

A Governance Framework for (Semi) Automated Decision-Making

Abstract: Proper decision-making is one of the most important capabilities of an organization. Therefore, it is important to have a clear understanding and overview of the decisions an organization makes. A means to design and specify decisions is the Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standard published by the Object Management Group in 2015. In this …

A Governance Framework for (Semi) Automated Decision-Making Lees verder »

Concurreren met Amazon – Grote veranderingen in de wereld van Accounting en Finance & Control.

De ondernemer, de onderzoeker en de opleiders zijn het erover eens: de wereld van accounting en finance & control is ingrijpend aan het veranderen. En die veranderingen worden voor een belangrijk deel gedreven door IT. Toch heeft de werkgelegenheid daar voorlopig geen last van. De vraag naar financieel specialisten bij het UWV in Limburg steeg …

Concurreren met Amazon – Grote veranderingen in de wereld van Accounting en Finance & Control. Lees verder »